EXTENDED! Exhibition runs through March 18, 2023

Terzo Piano is pleased to present “A Stone, A Universe,” an exhibition of about two dozen vibrant new paintings by Harumi Abe, a Japanese native artist from Tokorozawa, Saitama who has lived in South Florida nearly half of her life. 

Referencing Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, Abe’s layered landscapes intend to overlap memories and sway perspective in order to serve an idea of home and represent a “topography of our intimate being,” while visually materializing belonging. Connecting her birthplace and her residence, Abe’s paintings intend to magnify a morphing relationship called shakkei or “borrowed scenery.” In search of balance and unity in design, through color and placement, the Florida landscape is the muse while Japan remains the inspiration.

“Harumi Abe: A Stone, A Universe” will open January 28 and run through March 4, 2023. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, January 27th from 5 to 8 pm. The exhibition is supplemented by a limited edition, full color publication that includes essays by Melissa Wallen and Éireann Lorsung.